This past weekend I helped celebrate a friend's birthdays at one of the new popular event venues in Atlanta called Top Golf. Top Golf allows customers to enjoy a few hours of golfing with friends, food, drinks, and music. So think of miniature golfing for adults. Minus the giant windmills and relocating from hole to hole. It was my first time going, and I would definitely go back! I really recommend Top Golf if you're looking for a group activity to do on the weekend.
Since the golf bays that we were placed at were outside, I decided to wear a jacket ensemble for this particular evening. It was functional and easy to wear for golfing! And contrary to popular belief, the heels did not serve as a problem since there wasn't any kind of walking around that took place.
I had been on the look out for an authentic, green army fatigue jacket for a few years now, but I was never able to find one that was perfectly authentic or perfectly green. However, I did find this authentic desert camouflage jacket, and I surprisingly fell in love with it almost immediately. It wasn't what I was looking for initially. However, once I tried it on, the sandy beiges and browns in the jacket made it very easy to envision a few ensembles I could create with it.
Oversized jackets + heels = love.
I'm so excited that we are going to be more openly accepting of orange this season! I kind of see orange as the outcast or the underdog compared to the rest of the colors on the color wheel. I can agree that while I love every color that life has to offer, I cannot say orange is ever my first choice of color to wear when given the option. But after seeing all these bright orange dresses on the shopping racks recently, I can now say I am definitely more inspired and excited to wear orange. Besides, this orange lipstick has been one of my favorite lipstick colors for years now! I can't wait to see more of it on people this spring and summer.
As a side note, if you're a fashion junkie such as myself, please do yourself a favor and watch the "Fresh Dressed" music and fashion documentary on Netflix. I never would have understood how deeply the hip hop culture has contributed to our beloved fashion industry for decades now until I watched it, and I'm very happy I did. Go and check it out!
If you're curious about how I did golfing, I actually didn't end up golfing that much during my time at Top Golf. I really just kind of wanted to relax and eat and do some much needing catching up with friends. But I did make a hole in one on my first shot!
Make no mistake, I do have every intention on finding that perfect, vintage army coat. But I am so happy that this one fell into lap so unexpectedly. I guess it's true that sometimes the best things happen when you're not even looking.
Dessert Camo jacket - (authentic)
Crop - (borrowed)
Leggings - by Mossimo
Shoes - by Charlotte Russe |
Photography by Joy Etuk