I don't know about you...but after most Thursday nights, Olivia Pope just entices me to be an all around better person. And I don't just mean in kicking butt and taking names - I mean in confidence, exerting womanly power, and of course, in fashion. Her stylist is for the show is a god. I believe we can all agree her simple and chic, yet professional style is absolutely perfect from head to toe. So today, this post is for all my gladiators who Take the Stares in all that they do. I'm putting on my white hat in celebration of the lovely Olivia Pope.
Yes, it's fall. Yes, this is a very summery outfit. But it was one of the first days since fall has started where it has been truly and utterly nice outside. So I had to take advantage of this weather and throw on a crop with blue stripes and soak up this beautiful weather. Plus, I just love how they compliment these vintage, high waisted pants. And Besides. I make my own rules when it comes to this fashion thing.
The big white hat. Not just good for the beach.
I've had these red, peep toe wedges forever! And I plan on keeping it that way.
This statement necklace is great because of it's ability to be versatile with so many colors and so many outfits such as this one!
My oversized, rhinestone ring plays off my statement necklace well and shines so brightly in this kind of sunlight. I have a love affair with bling if you couldn't already tell.
You know. I had never really thought of myself as an Olivia Pope kind of girl until someone very close to my heart told me I reminded him of her. While Liv has some big shoes to fill, I did start noticing a lot of similar qualities of character that we share. We both have an extreme passion for what we do, we aren't too fond of the word "no", and we both have this uncanny, constant to desire to always want to fix things. Is it a coincidence my big white was actually a gift from him, too? I'd like to think so.
Shirt - by Divided by H&M (H&M)
Pants - by One Step Up (Goodwill)
Hat - by Sun N' Sand (gift)
Shoes - by Jessica Simpson (Plato's Closet)
Ring - (Forever 21)
Necklace - (Charlotte Russe)
Photography by Joy Etuk